#!/bin/sh #compile the tools_i_use.html . ~/.config/b4rcms/basics.sh echo "$( header echo \ "

Hardware i use

I currently use a Thinkpad X201 M540 named Asena. Linux runs on any hardware soo i don't really care about the performance and the keyboard and the trackpoint just makes her perfect for me. I maxxed out everything i could on her, the only thing i could upgrade is a msata drive, which is on the list.

Software i use

I use Artix Gnu/Linux for desktop but i have no hard feeling about distros.
my servers run the latest version of debian, i don't remember which version.
I use DWM because it is just great. I use it without any patches, disabled layouts, can't change the number of windows in the left side and deleted all code related to starting other programs. I like it more when sxhkd starts my programs, not dwm.
I use Runit because as far as my limited linux experience goes, it is the most stable one. It is also simple stupid if you spare 5 minutes to read the manual.
Terminal Emulator
I use St as you would expect, i just have scrollback and anysize patches for it.
I use Neovim, i don't even remember why i use nvim instead of vim directly but i do. Vim is just soo much better, anyone that says it isn't that good or efficient is lying to themselves. You can only gain from using vim.
I use bash as interactive shell because it was the one the system came with. I try to keep the shell close to default,my .bashrc is only 66 lines. /bin/sh is symlinked to dash. " footer )" >| $SOURCE/tools_i_use.html